Behind the Scenes of Book 9

Oct 17, 2023

Every year, we go behind the scenes and look at the process behind some of the successful Typism Book submissions. 

This is Part 2 of the series. You can see Part 1 here

This week, we share iPad process videos from Tamer Ghoneim, Jennifer Hines, and Anastasia Krizhanovskaya.

Blackletter P

Tamer Ghoneim | @blackletterfoundry

Created by Tamer Ghoneim, 'Blackletter P' was crafted as part of his ambitious project, the 2023 Alphabetastic Challenge ( In this challenge, he dedicated himself to designing one letter of the alphabet every week for an entire year.

Process Video

Fit in All The Things

Jennifer Hines | @abctypography

Jennifer Hines’ artwork offers a personal perspective on the daily struggle to balance physical and emotional demands in pursuit of success. She reminds us that our worth goes beyond actions and possessions, emphasizing the value of each day, even amidst busy to-do lists. Her process video highlights the iterative nature of her creative journey, underlining the perseverance needed in crafting lettering pieces.

Process Video


Anastasia Krizhanovskaya | @anastasi.krizhanovska

Anastasia Krizhanovskaya’s art journey is an exploration of passion. In Typism book 9, she envisions stumbling upon an exhibition in a museum, prompting her to create a piece with imperfect forms spelling ‘Imperfect.’ It's a reminder that even imperfections can lead to big dreams coming true, like being published in the Typism book. Head to her Instagram to see the work installed in AR.

Process Video

Book 9 will be shipped in early November, so preorder your copy before October 26 for just 32 USD with FREE POSTAGE
Head along to the Typism store to pre-order the book

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