Typism Podcast: Brett Piva

Jul 17, 2021

EPISODE 7: Setting up a creative studio with Brett Piva

Brett is a community builder and has started several collaborative studios in Newcastle, as well as the Makeit-Madeit Festival, where he brings together artists and craftspeople to speak about their work. He recently founded Onwards Studio, which is a gallery and co-working studio in Newcastle.

We asked Brett on to the Typism podcast to talk about what it takes to set up a collaborative studio.

 "The collaboration possibilities are exciting in a shared studio"—Brett Piva

In today’s podcast episode, you will discover:

  • The skill sets needed to set up a successful studio
  • How to balance working from home vs working in a studio
  • Why "smoko" time helps you be more productive
  • Advice for setting up a shared studio
  • How to choose between co-working spaces and shared studios.

Links mentioned in this episode

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