Typism Podcast: Aurelie Maron

Dec 08, 2020

EPISODE 3: Clear the mental space you need to be creative with Aurelie Maron

Aurelie Maron is a multitalented designer and lettering artist from the Gold Coast. Aurelie started her creative life as a graphic design student at Griffith University, where she was introduced to typography and she hasn’t looked back since. She’s designed two out of the six Typism logos and also spoke at the first conference in 2013.

Aurelie is one of those really annoying people who gets really good, really fast at anything and everything she tries and she’s always pushing her skills and creativity.
That’s exactly why we’ve asked her on to the Typism podcast to talk about how we can clear the mental space we need to be creative.
 "The first way to clear mental space is to get clear on your goal and why it's important"—Aurelie Maron
In today’s podcast episode, you will discover:
  • Why you should stop feeling guilty for being creative
  • Why you should just start 
  • Why inspiration only shows up after you get started
  • How to get clear on what is filling your mental space
  • Strategies to clear your mental blocks
  • How to identify your excuses
  • The importance of setting creative restrictions.

Links mentioned in this episode

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