MiGoals Wrapup

Mar 18, 2021
Typism x MiGoals Challenge

This week, we're wrapping up our Typism x MiGoals Challenge that we launched late last year. There was one winner and two runners up, but let's face it, everyone of you who scored a Goal Digger planner was a winner, amirite?

Back in December, we put the call out to lettering artists from Australia and New Zealand to create work for our Typism x MiGoals challenge.

The lucky participants were sent a Goal Digger planner from MiGoals to start their year off right and we're bringing the motivational results to share with you now!

We were super impressed with the positive and motivational artworks you created. With over 30 participants, we were able to flood your feeds with goal setting and motivation.

As we are nearly winding up the first quarter of the year it's a perfect time to share these motivational winners with you. 

First off is this gorgeous timelapse from Libbi Reed as she creates a sketch note in her MiGoals planner. Libbi was a runner-up and will get a MiGoals pack of goodies.

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A post shared by Libbi Reed - my sketchnotes (@libbireed)

Another runner up was Tania Hearn who broke out the coloured pencils and made use of the black pages in her goal digger planner for her entry. Tania also gets a pack of MiGoals goodies.

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A post shared by Tania Hearn | Inkify (@inkify__)

The winning entry came from Rani Gillan who blew the judges away with her unique approach to the challenge. Rani wins a cash prize from MiGoals and a Typism Membership.

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A post shared by Rani Design Co (@ranidesign.co)

Congratulations to everyone who entered.

There were loads of great artworks submitted, so to see more visit the hashtag #typismxmigoals on Instagram.

Learn how to leverage your value and thrive as a type and lettering artist.


Typism’s brand-new Pathway to Pivot mini-membership will get you started building your profile, creating your product ecosystem, and packaging your expertise.



The first mini-membership cohort will be launching in June.

Add your name to the waitlist and get ready to break free from freelancing.


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