International Women's Day

Feb 05, 2020
This year Typism is taking the opportunity to collaborate with International Women's Day to highlight the issue surrounding gender-balance in the field of typography.

"When it comes to the world of typography, there is still a significant gender imbalance in the field. An overwhelming majority of typeface designers are male, even though the field of graphic design as a whole has certainly become more gender-balanced over recent years.

That's why celebrating skilled female type designers worldwide and ensuring credit for their design endeavours is so important. Additionally, female role models are key to inspiring the many girls seeking to enter the exciting world of typography worldwide." — Dominique Falla, founder of Typism

Work by Aurelie Maron

Our mission is to help raise visibility and increase the volume of commissioned work for female lettering artists worldwide.

To help achieve this, we're running an exciting competition calling upon female lettering artists to develop creations with impact that support the International Women's Day (IWD) 2020 campaign theme of #EachofEqual.

Already we have had some incredible work submitted. You can check them out on Instagram using the hashtag #iwdtypism.

Examples of entrants work for #iwdtypism on Instagram 

Competition Details

If you haven't already submitted work (or you have and you just want to submit more) there is still time.

There are three exciting categories to enter:

  • Each for Equal /  #EachforEqual entries closing on February 9, 2020 (3 winners worldwide)
  • Happy International Women's Day entries closing on February 16, 2020 (3 winners worldwide)
  • Women's Equality statement or thought entries accepted continuously through 2020

To enter the competition, share the creation on Instagram using the hashtags #IWD2020 #EachforEqual #IWDTypism - plus make sure to tag @internationalwomensday_global and @typism. Also, please ensure Instagram entry posts have a resolution of at least 1080 x 1080 pixels.

The winners will be announced for International Women's Day. Winning entries will be celebrated on the IWD website in addition to promotion via the IWD and Typism social media channels.

For more information, you can also visit the 👉 IWD website.

We can't wait to see all the amazing work you come up with! 


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The first mini-membership cohort will be launching in June.

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