HOME 2020

Apr 28, 2020

HOME is the world’s first stay-at-home environmental mural festival. The festival was held in response to COVID-19, and in celebration of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day (April 22).

Poster by Kelly Spencer.

The festival was presented by Pageaseed FoundationSea WallsWhanganui Walls, and Alternative Arts Institute

The festival ran from April 21-26, calling upon artists globally to unite around the cause of giving our HOME planet a voice as we set our sights on a world post-coronavirus. Artists were asked to paint murals in the safety of their homes; turning dull walls into visionary canvases for a brighter future.

Giving the current circumstances, it's easy to see that the health of humans is closely tied to the health of the environment.

Artists were encouraged to create thought-provoking artworks that address the interconnection of humanity and the natural environment, with the goal to move people into action.

Throughout the week over 800 artists from 60 countries participated! Below we wanted to show our support by sharing some of our favourite works from the festival.

Laree Wasson | @lareewassonart


Theo Arraj | @theoarraj


Liam Hindley | @_g_a_s_p_


Hannah Atallah | @hannah_atallah


Cinthia Santos | @cynno


Wongi Wilson | @wongi.wilson


Ursula Xanthe Young | @ursulaxyoung


Marissa Molina | @minhafofa


Griffin One | @griffinone


Thor San (Detz Creacions) | @thorsana


Piyasak Khiaosa-ard | @mauy_msv

Congratulations to all the artists, helpers and supporters of this inspiring festival.  

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