Women Typographers Worldwide

Dec 19, 2019
In 2020, Typism is collaborating with International Women's Day to celebrate women typographers worldwide, helping to raise visibility and increase the volume of commissioned work for female lettering artists.

As part of this collaboration, we are hosting a competition for female hand letters to create work that supports the International Women's Day (IWD) 2020 campaign theme: #EachforEqual.
IMAGE: Jasmine Holmes, Graphic Designer & Lettering Artist | @jhdesigns
The competition is open to women typographers worldwide — novice through to experienced. There are three exciting categories to enter:
Each for Equal
Happy International Women's Day
Women's Equality statement or thought
We are looking for impactful lettering artworks for each of these categories. Winners will be celebrated on the IWD website in addition to promotion via the IWD and Typism social media channels.
IMAGE: Libbi Reed, Graphic Designer & Lettering Artist | @love.libbi

Competition Details

To enter the competition share your creation on Instagram with the hashtags #IWD2020 #EachforEqual #IWDTypism as well as tag @typism and @internationalwomensday_global.
The category close dates and the number of winners are as follows:
Each for Equal /  #EachforEqual entries close February 9, 2020 (3 winners worldwide)
Happy International Women's Day entries close February 16, 2020 (3 winners worldwide)
Women's Equality statement or thought entries accepted continuously throughout the year
The winners of each category will be announced within one week following the category entries close. Female artists may enter in all categories and as many times as they like.
For more information please visit the International Women's Day competition page.
IMAGE: Aurelie Maron, Graphic Designer & Lettering Artist | @aureliemaron

Women in Typography

To find out more about women in typography and why we are doing this check out this insightful article, the state of play for women in typography, by our very own Typism Community founder, Dominique Falla. 

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