Typism Book 6 call for entries

Dec 11, 2019


It's here! The day we've all been waiting for! The call for entries for the new Typism Book is officially open! 

As always, we are looking for the best in lettering and typography from all around the world to be published in Typism Book Six. 

We have published five editions of the Typism book so far and showcased the work of over 1000 international lettering artists. For your chance to be published read the instructions below and show us your best black and white lettering work! 

How to submit your work

We have made a special call-for-entries page with all the details. Click over here to check it out. Entry into the Typism Book is free and all successful submissions will receive one free copy of the printed book.

Artwork from Typism book 5

In need of some inspiration, check out the work of some of our past Typism book entries.

Aurelie Maron – www.aureliemaron.com

Kate Hursthouse – www.katehursthouse.com

Lachlan Philp – lachlanphilp.com

Nicholas Gilbert – @turningwords

Entry into the Typism Book is free and all successful submissions will receive one free copy of the printed book.

Find out how to submit your work here 

Learn how to leverage your value and thrive as a type and lettering artist.


Typism’s brand-new Pathway to Pivot mini-membership will get you started building your profile, creating your product ecosystem, and packaging your expertise.



The first mini-membership cohort will be launching in June.

Add your name to the waitlist and get ready to break free from freelancing.


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