Typism 2020 logo revealed

Dec 10, 2019
Every year, we ask a designer from the Typism Community to design the logo which will grace the cover of the book and brand the conference. The 2020 logo has been designed by Los Angeles lettering legend, Daniel Palacios, otherwise known as Highpulp.

About Daniel

Graduating from college with a degree in Graphic Design / Visual Communication, Daniel created is studio Highpulp, specializing in lettering, calligraphy & logo design. Check out his Instagram here!

Daniel is a big believer in sharing the process. He shares his thoughts and experiences by hosting workshops and running a great blog, go check it out. Daniel hopes by giving back to the community and fostering good design practices, that he can help young artists take their skills to the next level.

The Typism Logo Process

Starting with classic pencil and paper Daniel produced many rough sketches of the logo and came up with several ways forward.

Refining his concepts Daniel then provided the Typism Team with multiple concepts.


Once the Typism Team provided Daniel with feedback, he was able to refine the design even further. 

With his final sketch, Daniel then moved to vectorise the logo. Check out those sexy bezier curves! 

The final logo

Voila! The final result is a beautifully curve-a-licious logo that we have fallen in love with! 

Here you can see the final logo gracing a dummy mockup of the new book, but be sure to sign up to be notified when the call-for-entry opens so that you can be first to get your hands on a real copy! 

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