Typefolk x Typism Award Winner

Apr 07, 2021
Last month we launched the call for entries into the first Typefolk x Typism Collaboration and received 46 fantastic entries. You can check them all out over on the Typefolk website here.

The time has come to announce the winner of this fabulous laser-cut Community Crossover trophy.

Typefolk x Typism Award Winner

Too Many Ideas | @_mat21
Mathew Prada is a lettering artist from La Paz in Bolivia. The Typism panel of judges selected their top three favourites from the 46 entries and Mat's design was selected by just about everyone, so choosing the winner was easy.
Mat21 has also appeared in all seven of the Typism Books and this is one of the designs he has previously had published, so it's clearly a crowd favourite. Congratulations Mat on your outstanding artwork and Typefolk will be in contact soon to send you your trophy! 

Some of the other works which caught the eye of the judges were:
Try Really Hard | @bobby.cerda

I am Resilient | @leahdesign

Same Pinch | @pragunagarwal

Thank you Typefolk for running the competition and being so generous with your support of the lettering community. If you want to submit your work to the weekly/monthly/yearly awards, head over to Typefolk and enter. It's free until the end of June 2021.

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