Beyond Freelancing: Pivot to a Better Business Model

Apr 22, 2024
Dominique Falla ATYPI Talk

Last week, Typism Founder Dominique Falla spoke at the ATypI type and lettering conference in Brisbane, where she shared lessons learned from founding Typism over a decade ago.

The talk focused on the importance of breaking free from the freelance model and explored alternative pathways for creative professionals.
Given the positive response to the concepts she shared in the presentation, we have distilled the key elements of the talk into a blog post for those of you who missed it.

For the last ten years, I’ve built a vibrant community dedicated to the craft of type and lettering. As the founder of Typism, I’ve witnessed the evolution of many creatives’ careers and have seen firsthand what distinguishes the successful from the struggling.

Despite similar skill levels, work ethic, and tenacity, I was always curious to understand why some creative professionals flourish while others flounder.

After ten years of observation and creative entrepreneurship research, I have discovered that the answer lies in how we value our work and communicate that value to others.

Too many talented individuals are stuck in the freelancing cycle of trading time for money—a model I’ve seen as increasingly unsustainable in today’s landscape.

From my experience, the key to breaking out of this cycle is to pivot: to shift from selling time to selling value.

Over the past decade, I’ve had the privilege of working with many successful lettering artists and identified three pivotal pathways they have used to transform their careers: Platform, Product, and Packaging. 

  • The Platform Model revolves around building and leveraging your popularity. It’s ideal for those whose work or personality naturally attracts attention, such as Jessica Hische or Gemma O’Brien.
  • The Product Model focuses on creating a suite of offerings, perfect for multifaceted creatives who love to innovate and experiment, such as Aurelie Maron or Jimbo Bernaus.
  • Lastly, the Packaging Model is about defining and selling your unique process or expertise, which is suited for those with knowledge or a track record of results in a particular area, such as Vivian Castillo or Liane Barker.

These business models are not just abstract concepts; they are proven strategies that I’ve seen work repeatedly.

My experience with Typism has taught me the importance of articulating your value proposition. Without this clarity, you will likely remain trapped in the traditional freelance model, selling your time instead of your value. 

This realisation was a turning point in my career. I have seen firsthand the difference it makes in the lives of many creative professionals, which is why I’m passionate about helping others make the same pivot and break free from freelancing.

I have also seen how scary it is for many creatives to make this transition, so to support you in those first steps, I’m thrilled to announce the next intake for our Typism Pivot Pathway mini-membership, launching in June. 

For just $7 a month, members will gain access to resources, support, and a community of like-minded creatives. Additionally, we’re launching a 90-day challenge for each cohort, designed to guide you through selecting and implementing the business model that best suits your current skillset and goals. 

This challenge is not just a hypothetical exercise; it’s a commitment to transforming your creative career. It’s about moving beyond the limitations of freelancing and embracing a future where your ideas and value drive your business.

If you’re a frustrated freelancer tired of feeling devalued, underpaid, and haggling with clients, you, my friend, are ready to pivot. I invite you to join the mini-membership waitlist and take the first steps towards a sustainable business model.

—Dominique Falla

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Learn how to leverage your value and thrive as a type and lettering artist.


Typism’s brand-new Pathway to Pivot mini-membership will get you started building your profile, creating your product ecosystem, and packaging your expertise.



The first mini-membership cohort will be launching in June.

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